Spring is defiantly on its way; the Daffodils are in full bloom and the Magnolia trees are starting to come out. Many of the weaker flowers such as the Magnolia have been effected by the cold of the last couple of days and have crinkled and gone brown in places. There are many buds still to come out however so I don't think that it will effect the tree.
There are a lot more insects around the garden, with many bumble bees buzzing around. Along with the bees from the wall and the the hive.
The birds are much more dispersed around the garden as someone else has come in and placed feeders all over the garden. This is a little annoying as to be able to carry on with my project on them I shall have to go round and take down the feeder and then replace them when I have finished. The Blue Tits are consistently behind the hide and I am now convinced that they are using the wall as a nest site. This is only one pair and I think that there is another pair that are looking at the nest boxes. I saw a Robin with some nest material in its beak. However it refused to fly to its nest spot with me watching and just sat looking at me with it before finally (after about 10mins) dropping it and flying away. At this stage it seems very difficult to find out where the nest sites are due to the birds being very careful not to give them away till the baby birds have hatched and the sound of there calls for food give away the location of the nest.
Today I also spotted a female Gold Crest a very small bird that was feeding off something on the Magnolia trees. I have been told that these birds are around campus but I have not been able to spot one myself till now.
All of the birds are much more active with bursts of song and territorial displays.
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