Today I experimented with the use of a wide lens and a remote shutter release. Setting the camera up next to one of the feeders where I new the birds would fly. I placed the SB900 flash guns up around the areas I hoped the birds would fly and waited in the hide with the remote shutter in hand. As soon as I saw a bird fly across the lens I took a shot. This allowed me to get shots with a very different perspective than using a longer lens. The disadvantage however is that with all the equipment around the feeder much less birds come to get seed, the ones that do are very fast and weary spending a lot of time in the cover of the tree. To get round this I often let a few come without taking a shot so as they didn't get scared by the flash.
I have noticed that there are a couple of Blue Tits spending a lot of time by the wall behind the hide. I think that they might have found a nest site there and a claiming it as there's. I shall keep watching to see if my suspicions are true. I spotted the Green Woodpecker again today on seeing me it quickly flew off.
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