There was a very thin layer of cloud today creating nice soft shadows and highlights. Because it

was not too thick there was still a good amount of light allowing for fast exposures at low isos. I went to the walled garden with the intention of photographing the change in the Snowdrops and to take a few landscape shots. However when I had completed the work on the snowdrops I was detracted by the amount of birds on the feeders. I decided to go and grab a long lens (600mm f.4) to see if I could get any good shots. It was perfect light, lots of feather detail and no strong shadows from twigs or beak. The feeders had gone down a so I refilled them, on doing so I noted that the Niger seed was going down which is good because it means that the finches have found it. I set up my stuff in the hide, just as I was putting the camera onto the lens I herd the sound of beating wings. Looking up I saw a spotted woodpecker on the tree right next to the hide. It saw me at the same time as I saw it and flew away.
I was concentrating today on the Chaffinches. There are a lot of females and only one male. After I had been in the hide for a while a Nuthatch visited the sunflower hearts feeder and a goldfinch enjoyed the Niger seed.
Unfortunately my shoot was cut short by a squirrel. This pest scampered with ease up the metal pole of the sunflower hearts feeder and preceded to scoff the lot.
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