I am studying an area on campus known as the walled garden being an area diverse and abundant in wildlife it seemed a good place to do this project: I am going to observe the change in the species of animals and plants that live in and around the garden from the middle of winter through into the start of summer. This page will show photography and descriptions of each visit I make to the garden over a period of time.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Monday, 24 January 2011

I was concentrating today on the Chaffinches. There are a lot of females and only one male. After I had been in the hide for a while a Nuthatch visited the sunflower hearts feeder and a goldfinch enjoyed the Niger seed.
Unfortunately my shoot was cut short by a squirrel. This pest scampered with ease up the metal pole of the sunflower hearts feeder and preceded to scoff the lot.